4th Workshop for Graduates and Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences (CES-WGP4)
Participation in 4th Workshop for Graduates and Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences (CES-WGP4), Patras 30 October 2018
- Andreas Benekos, Rafailia Argyriou, Christina Economou and Dimitris Vayenas. "Treatment of effluents from the table olive packkaging wastewater using electroagulation" (poster presentation)
- Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Rafailia Argyriou, Christina Economou, Athanasia Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris Vayenas. "Treatment of printing ink wastewaters using electrocoagulation" (oral presentation)
- Christiana Genethliou, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris D. Vayenas. "Treatment of landfill leachate using adsorption technology" (poster presentation)

12th National Scientific Conference on Chemical Engineering
Participation in 12th National Scientific Conference on Chemical Engineering, Athens 29-31 May 2019
- Genethliou C., Giannakis D., Papagianni M., Triantaphyllidou I.-E., Tekerlekopoulou A. and Vayenas D.V. Removal of pollutans from landfill leachate using adsorption techniques (poster presentation)
- Benekos A., Zacharakis S., Liristi S., Tsigara M., Tekerlekopoulou A., and Vayenas D.V. Denitrification of potable water using biological and electrochemical methods. (poster presentation)
- Papadopoulos K., Kotroni E., Vasi E., Economou C., Moustaka – Gouni M., Tekerlekopoulou A. and Vayenas D.V. Bio-treatment of brewery waste using the filamentous cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. (poster presentation)
- Papadopoulos K., Benekos A., Tekerlekopoulou A. and Vayenas D.V. Color removal from agro-industrial wastewaters using electrocoagulation (poster presentation)
- Tatoulis T., Michailidis M., Akratos C., Tekerlekopoulou A., Pavlou S. and Vayenas D.V. Co-treatment of agro-industrial and industrial wastewaters: a Cr (VI) reduction study using secondary whey and winery waste (poster presentation)

IWA Conference on Algal Technologies and Stabilization Ponds for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery IWAlgae2019
Participation in IWA Conference on Algal Technologies and Stabilization Ponds for Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery IWAlgae2019, Valladolid 1 -2 June 2019, Spain
- Konstantinos P. Papadopoulos, Christina N. Economou, Maria Moustaka-Gouni, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou, George Aggelis and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Brewery Wastewater Treatment Using the Filamentous Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp." (poster presentation)

International Symposium on Constructed Wetlands & Small Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants – ISCW 2019
Participation in International Symposium on Constructed Wetlands & Small Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants – ISCW 2019, 29-31 August 2019, Patra
- Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Christina N. Economou, Maria Moustaka-Gouni and Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou, George Aggelis and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Cultivation of a natural bacteria-cyanobacteria consortium for brewery wastewater treatment" (oral presentation)
- Andreas Benekos, Maria Tsigara, Stergios Zacharakis, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Removal of nitrates and ammonium from potable water using electrochemical methods" (poster presentation)
- Christiana Genethliou, Alexandros Stamatakis, Mariana Papagianni, Dimitris Giannakis, Irene – Eva Triantaphyllidou, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Treatment of sanitary landfill leachate using natural zeolite" (oral presentation)

16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology CEST2019
Participation in 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology CEST2019, 4-7 September 2019, Rhodes
- Konstantinos P. Papadopoulos, Rafailia Argyriou, Christina N. Economou, Triantafyllos I. Tatoulis, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Printing ink wastewater treatment using electrocoagulation in lab- and pilot-scale" (oral presentation)
- Andreas Benekos, Konstantinos P. Papadopoulos, Irene-Eva Triantaphyllidou, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Treatment of various agro-industrial wastewaters using electrocoagulation" (poster presentation)
- Konstantinos P. Papadopoulos, Christina N. Economou, Maria Moustaka-Gouni, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou, George Aggelis and Dimitris V. Vayenas. "Biotreatment of Brewery Wastewater Using the Filamentous Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp." (poster presentation)

6th Innovation & Knowledge Transfer - Patras lnnovation Quest (PATRAS IQ), Patra 12-14 April, 2019
Participation in 6th Innovation & Knowledge Transfer - Patras lnnovation Quest (PATRAS IQ), Patra 12-14 April, 2019
ECOTECH/ECOMEX along with ESLaboratory, under the supervision of Prof. D. Vayenas (FORTH), developed a unit for the treatment of agro-industrial wastewaters, based on electrocoagulation. Electrocoagulation operates by passing the effluent across metal electrodes, which are either aluminium (Al) or iron (Fe) plates. The electrical DC current solubilizes metal ions, which promote coagulation and flocculation of the organic material, which subsequently separates as a floating, frothy sludge in the downstream sludge separation unit. The treated liquid effluent is discharged for further treatment, if necessary or into the sewer or even to the environment.
ECOTECH/ECOMEX along with ESLaboratory, under the supervision of Prof. D. Vayenas (FORTH), developed a unit for the treatment of agro-industrial wastewaters, based on electrocoagulation. Electrocoagulation operates by passing the effluent across metal electrodes, which are either aluminium (Al) or iron (Fe) plates. The electrical DC current solubilizes metal ions, which promote coagulation and flocculation of the organic material, which subsequently separates as a floating, frothy sludge in the downstream sludge separation unit. The treated liquid effluent is discharged for further treatment, if necessary or into the sewer or even to the environment.

5th Workshop for Graduates and Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences (CES-WGP5)
Participation in 5th Workshop for Graduates and Post-Docs in Chemical Engineering Sciences (CES-WGP4), Patra 6 November 2019
- Andreas K. Benekos, Maria Tsigara, Stergios Zacharakis, Athanasia G. Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris V. Vayenas. Removal of nitrates and ammonium from potable water using Electrochemical Methods (oral presentation)
- Christiana Genethliou, Demetris Giannakis, Marianna Papayianni, Alexandros Stamatakis, Irene-Eva Triantaphyllidou, Athanasia Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris Vayenas. Study of NH4+ removal efficiency on sanitary landfill leachates in lab- and pilot-scale reactors (poster presentation)
- Konstantinos Papadopoulos, Christina Economou, Maria Moustaka-Gouni, Athanasia Tekerlekopoulou and Dimitris Vayenas. Biotreatment of Brewery Wastewater Using the Filamentous Cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp (poster presentation)
- Charikleia Zampeta, Kleio Bertaki, Irene-Eva Triantaphyllidou and Vayenas. Effect of Hydrodynamic Cavitation on Color Removal of Industrial Grade Dyes Solutions (poster presentation)
- Christina Vasiliki Lazaratou, Irene Eva Triantaphyllidou, Dimitrios Papoulis and Dimitris Vayenas. Effect of Clay Minerals pH after Acid Treatment for Nitrate Removal (poster presentation)